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Recursos de salud para la comunidad de New Orleans
Sobre Nosotros
Bienvenidos a GeauxHealth! GeauxHealth! es una colaboración entre los médicos residentes de Louisiana State University (LSU) y Tulane University que quieren hacer que los recursos comunitarios sean más accesibles a la comunidad médica y la población de New Orleans. Este proyecto de salud comunitaria fue creado por los médicos residentes quienes cuidan por pacientes de todas edades desde los recién nacidos a los adultos o la población geriátrica en clínicas, hospitales, y salas de emergencias. Esperamos que usted encuentre útil estos recursos. Han sido revisados para asegurar que estén funcionando y muchos son de bajo costo o gratis para pacientes. Están actualizados hasta diciembre de 2020 y serán revisados de nuevo cada año. Esta guía indica un subconjunto de recursos comunitarios útiles para los pacientes y trabajadores de salud. Una lista completa de los recursos comunitarios se puede encontrar aquí.
The Need
Based on the 2019 New Orleans Community Health Assessment, conducted by the New Orleans Health Department every five years, there is evidence of a strong need for community resources in New Orleans. One quarter of New Orleans residents and 40% of children are living in poverty and one fifth of residents are food insecure. The infant mortality rate in Orleans Parish (7.4) per 100,000 live births is higher than LA (7.2) and US overall (5.8). This study which surveyed New Orleanians found that mental health is the top health issue that residents were most concerned about followed by cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, drug and alcohol use, and women’s health. Crime and violence were perceived to be the biggest barriers to health followed by infrastructure, environment, jobs and income, housing, healthy food, and healthcare. There is great opportunity to promote health in the community and the GeauxHealth! organization seeks to promote health by highlighting resources that already exist in the community and centralizing this information in an easy-to-read website.
Quality Improvement:
We are also conducting a multi-institutional quality improvement study where we are collecting data on current community referral practices of residents and fellows at Tulane and LSU and seeing if the implementation of this website affects these practices.
Future Directions
We are looking into creating a phone application for apple and android systems and are applying for grants to help with the development and promotion of this website to the medical and New Orleans community.
Special Thanks To
Daphne Domalis - assisted in initial stages of technology developmentMichael Roberts and Health Connective – assisted in website design and development
Coleen Murphy and the volunteers who created the New Orleans Community Resource Guide for Resistance and Renewal
Contact Us
Please use the contact form if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on ways to improve this community health resource.Contact
Photography Credits for GeauxHealth